Proud Supporter and Member

Taking the first step
Congratulations on taking the first step in ending addiction and mental health suffering in your family for good. South Florida Intervention offers a range of recovery services that lead families from crisis to long-term recovery. We are experts in getting people who struggle with mental health, anxiety, depression, drug and alcohol addiction to accept treatment so they can begin living happy and purpose-driven lives.
Some of our services include:
- Professionally lead interventions
- Treatment identification and placement
- Lower treatment costs
- Transportation to treatment
- Parent coaching
- Recovery coaching
- Family support meetings, and more.
The Problem
Somebody you care about is suffering from the life-threatening disease of addiction. You have watched in horror as their life continues spiraling out of control; lost jobs, failing school, run-ins with the police, declining health, trips to the emergency room, and even infidelity.
You have tried everything to make them quit threatening, negotiating, and manipulating - but still, they persist. Worst of all, you may even blame yourself for their problems.

The Solution
Father, husband, and Certified Intervention Professional, Marc Kantor, has years of professional experience guiding addicted individuals into treatment. His methods of intervention are compassionate and non-threatening though effective and renowned methodology. Marc works closely with each family to create an intervention strategy, which is appropriate for each unique situation.
Get help for addiction to get treatment the disease of addiction.
- Interventions
- Recovery Coaching
- Case Management
- Sober Escort

Failure to Launch
It’s never too late to get help for addiction, recovery is possible for anyone at any time. Save your family from the toxic nature of addiction.
Frequent needs for an intervention include:
- Mental health
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Marijuana
- Alcohol
- Drug
High-Risk Adolescent Behavior
According to the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) which monitors a wide range of health behaviors and experiences among representative samples of high school students at the national, state, and local levels.
In 2019, the YRBSS study linked to sexual risk behaviors that can lead to HIV and STDs. These include experiences of violence and poor mental health. Nationally, 25% of students reported being bullied, 8% students reported physical dating violence, and 11% reported sexual violence. During 2019, 19% of students reported seriously considered attempting suicide, 16% made a suicide plan, and 9% made a suicide attempt. Attempting suicide was highest among females (11%), black non-Hispanic students (12%), and students who identified as lesbian, gay, or bisexual (23%.)

How to do an Intervention: A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents
I wrote How To Do An Intervention: A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents to assist families. The mission of the book is to provide parents, spouses and loved ones a guide, and the tools, so anyone has the ability to attempt an intervention independently. Now in long-term recovery, I have met and performed life-saving interventions for many who would likely no longer be alive. A powerful intervention, during the height of an addict's addiction, is sometimes the only option to save their life.